Wednesday, July 19, 2006

YAY! I'm back from camping

I'm finally back!

I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo glad to be back home again! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed after sleeping on solid ground for so long.

Unfortunately I won't be home for long we're leaving Monday. But I won't be going camping this time, nope this time we're going to Minnesota to visit the Mall of America. Of course this means I will probably spend most of the day being forced to try on clothes that I hate. But their has to be a book store in a mall that size, I mean it's the biggest mall in America! there's even an amusement park in the middle of it!

But right now I'm making the most of the time I have at home. I've only been home for what? a week out of the whole Summer? Oh well, that's me the world traveler.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Camp yet again!

I'm going to camp for yet another week so I won't be able to make any new posts!

Hopefully the food will be better in this camping experience. :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean


Okay we all know Pirates of the Caribbean rocks big time. But frankly I was disappointed when I saw the second one. I mean the special effects were awesome, but it was like they were over advertising it for the money. Not to mention the whole movie was just a set up for the third one, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (which is coming out May 25th, 2007 by the way).

Now I don't want to give too much away but I will tell you that there's a huge cliff hanger at the end, and when I say huge I mean HUGE!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm back from camp...again

Hello one and all.
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, but I just got back from yet another camp. This one's called Camp Au Sable. It's a christen camp next to the Au Sable river (go figure).

Other than that life's been pretty boring, but I did manage to earn my archary patch and win a cool archary hat!

It was actually loads more fun then I expected it to be, I went with two of my other freinds Katie and Amanda (you can check out Amanda's blog at
Any ways, I'm a huge Archary freak so whenit came time to sign up for classes I knew which one I would join. I also did wood shop, which was cool I got to work the power tools *minical laughter*. We also did swimming and other nature related activities that you normally do at camp.
The food was...well...lets just say we're still waiting for the test results on that one. There was this strange rice/jello mixture that probally would have stuck to the plate if you turned it upside down. Not to mention this strange soup/gravy that looked strangely like our brekfest...four days ago!

My Red Button!

Check out my little red button at the bottom of my blog page!